
Choosing the right colour of orthodontic braces

Some people who wear braces like them to be inconspicuous but many others – youngsters and adults alike – prefer to make a style statement with them.

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Written by NoFrills Dental

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January 2, 2021

Dental braces treatment in singapore

Customising the colour of your braces can add a fun element to orthodontic treatment, and the choice of shades is virtually endless. The rubber bands that go around each bracket of braces – also known as elastic ligatures or O-rings – come in every colour of the rainbow and then some. You don’t have to stick to one colour for your braces, either. 

You can mix and match different hues to create your own colour combination.

You can even change the colour of your braces every few weeks to suit your mood, or just for the fun of it, or to let your personality shine through for special occasions. 

Putting the Fun into Braces!

Kids – particularly fashion-conscious teenagers – tend towards making a fashion statement with the colour of their braces, while adults often choose braces colours to complement their complexion.

Whatever your age, picking the right colour of braces can go a long way towards making your orthodontic treatment a more satisfying, enjoyable experience and it gives you the opportunity to reflect your individuality. And modern braces give you a wider choice of colours than ever before. But how do you know which braces colour or colours are right for you.

Here are a few ideas.

Things to Think About When Choosing Your Braces Colour

You’ll probably be wearing your braces for several months at least so you need to choose your colours carefully. 

Bear in mind that darker colours will make your teeth appear whiter, while white, yellow or gold bands can cause teeth to appear discoloured. Some of the most popular braces colours are blue, red and purple.

However, many other shades are available, and there are many factors to consider when choosing your braces band colour, including what you want your braces colour to say about you.

Braces Colours to Reflect Your Personality

Your braces colour can signify different emotions and reflect your personality.

For example:

  • Blue denotes intelligence, calmness and loyalty.
  • Red can be associated with passion or anger but also represents courage and strength.
  • Purple – the colour of royalty and wealth – is also be regarded as a mystical colour.
happy asian lady wearing braces in Singapore | Braces treatment in Singapore

Braces Colours for Lighter Skin Tones

Lighter skin tones lend themselves to colours such as:

Subdued shades of red or pink

Light blue


Subdued shades of red or pink

Light blue


Braces Colours for Darker Skin Tones

Braces band colours that complement darker skin tones include:

Dark blue






Dark blue






Other Factors to Consider When Picking Your Braces Colour

Besides personality and skin tone, other factors typically affect how people choose their braces colour, including considerations like:

selecting the right braces colour in Singapore

Match Your Wardrobe

If you have a go-to wardrobe colour, braces with complementary colours can further enhance your look. If you wear a lot of black or other dark-coloured clothes, braces with gold or navy rubber bands will pair up well.

You can also choose braces colours to match your favourite footwear, such as a bright jewel tone from a colourful pair of shoes, combined with more muted colours for your clothes. If you wear clothes in the colours of your favourite sports team, you can use the same colours for your braces.

Braces colours to avoid

Braces Colours to Avoid

There’s really no wrong colour when it comes to braces – the choice is entirely up to you.

However, some people tend to avoid certain braces colours, including:

  • Brown, which could look like bits of food stuck in your teeth.
  • Yellow, which may intensify the appearance of yellow-toned teeth.
  • Black, which may look like your teeth are decayed.
braces for special occasions

Braces for Special Occasions

The colour of your braces can be customised for a stylish look for special occasions such as wedding parties, graduations and annual festivals like Chinese New Year and the mid-autumn Lantern Festival.

Remember, though, that your choice of braces colours may be with you for some time after the occasion, depending on when your next orthodontic appointment is.

multi-coloured braces combinations

Braces Colour Combinations

Each time your orthodontist adjusts your braces – typically every six to eight weeks – gives you the opportunity to choose a new colour or combination of colours.

Here are a few braces colour combo ideas.

  • Pink and neon green – the watermelon look!
  • Purple and pink – can be mellow or dazzling.
  • Baby blue and navy blue – the contrast can help to make teeth look whiter.
  • Orange and blue – makes a bold statement.
festive braces colours

Festive Braces Colours

Both adults and teens often choose braces colours to go with the Christmas holidays, particularly combinations like:

  • The now Christmas classic colours of red and green – made popular by Coca Cola advertising in the 1930s.
  • The red and gold associated with Christmas gift wrappings.
  • Silver and deep blue for an elegant Christmas party look.
    matching braces to eye colour

    Colour of Your Eyes

    If you have blue or green eyes, choosing the same colour in a darker shade can enhance your appearance.

    If your eyes are brown or hazel, a bright or deep blue or green, or silver or gold, will create an appealing contrast.

    braces for adults in singapore

    Braces Colours for Adults

    Many men choose braces colours in darker shades. Those with darker skin often prefer colours such as navy blue, turquoise, dark violet or hunter green. Men with lighter skin tones tend to choose bronze, dark red or silver.

    Women often prefer lighter braces colours like pale blue, violet, green, gold or pastel shades, which give off a more feminine vibe. A bolder feminine look can be achieved with colours such as bright magenta or gold.

    Business professionals typically opt for more subdued shades to create the right impression at work, especially colours that match blue or black suits. They may also prefer to choose a single colour rather than a combination of tones, which can look more playful than professional.

    braces for teens in singapore

    Braces Colours for Teens

    While many teenagers may be apprehensive about starting orthodontic treatment, the experience is made easier with the opportunity to customise the colour of their braces for a unique look.

    It’s entirely a matter of personal preference, of course, but popular braces colours among teens include:

    • Colours that match fun milestones during the year, such as black and orange for Halloween.
    • Colours that reflect the seasons – like neon shades for summer, and understated colours in winter.
    • Sports team colours.
      reduced discolouration of braces

      Minimising Discolouration

      The elastic ligatures of braces, especially light-coloured ones, can be susceptible to staining through factors such as pigments in the foods and drinks we consume and bacteria accumulation.

      Proper oral hygiene can be difficult when you wear braces but is essential to minimise discolouration and keep your braces and mouth clean.

      You need to brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day and floss daily, making sure you clean between the wires and the teeth.The best time to clean your teeth is just before bed.

      An antiseptic mouth rinse will help to prevent gum inflammation while an antibacterial mouthwash will kill germs.

        selecting the right braces colour

        How Your Orthodontist Can Help You Pick the Right Colour of Braces?

        If you’re undecided about the colour you’d like to adorn your braces, your orthodontist can be a big help. Most orthodontic dental clinics offer a wide range of colours, and orthodontists and their assistants are generally experienced in helping patients choose the right braces colours. They may also be able to show you a colour wheel or colour chart of all your options, and often have samples they can hold up against your teeth.

        Being able to frequently switch the colours of your braces allows you to experiment safely in the knowledge that if you get fed up with your colour choice, it will only be temporary and you can change it on your next visit to the orthodontist.

        Your friends and family may also offer helpful advice on picking the right colour for your braces. Contact us if you’d like more help in choosing the colour of your braces or advice on any other aspect of orthodontic treatment.

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